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what we do



Certification process designed to uphold, and advance, the highest standards of coaching excellence


Join the WACC and become a key member of the progressive, professional and global association of coaches and consultants


Online Coaching Training For Becoming a Certified Coach and Consultant


Worldwide Association of Coaches & Consulters (WACC) has grown on an annual basis to become the leading authority on Coaching & consulting.
WACC delivers an unrivalled service to the workplace coaching and consulting sector.

for coaching and consulting schools

We can help you with the adaptation and adjustment of your program according to the standards of WACC.
We can accredit your program and school in order to make it more attractive for clients.
We can share our experience of successful training of students


for coaches and consulters

We can help you with the studies in accredited schools provided by successful coaches and consulters.
We can organise your certification and approval by colleagues, business community and other clients.
We can ensure a customer flow and support you during your professional development


Taking your business in consulting and coaching to the next level!

Our mission is to raise the standard of consulting and coaching around the world!


For Coaches and Consultants, we welcome those just starting out on their development journeys, all the way through the most advanced professionals the industry offers. If you or your organization are interested in becoming a member, you will need to apply, as we use different criteria for each type of membership.


If you have made up your mind to become a coach, you are sure to take the training program “Master of Coching” being further certified as “Master og Coaching WACC”. Techniques of individual coaching and coaching- training are given primary consideration. In the framework of the standard program an accredited coach or school will master your skills in individual coaching, assisting, supervision, trainings on coaching methodology (both individual and in the group) and, finally, in certification.


Coaching is a transformative process for personal and professional awareness, discovery and growth, and the expansion of possibilities.As the coaching profession grows, and the practice of coaching evolves and transforms, it is imperative there be a coach certification process designed specifically to uphold, and advance, the highest standards of coaching excellence.We do not require a set number of training hours in order to assimilate coaching skills, necessitate logging coaching hours, require training from a particular coach training program, nor value one style of coaching over another. Measuring the number of hours one has coached is vastly different from measuring the skill with which one coaches. Evaluating coaching style is not the same as evaluating coaching mastery.